How we can help you make more possible in your community.

Download our free resource guide.

Community foundations and donors come together to make more possible in their communities. Here’s how:

Donors like you


Your local community foundation's grantmaking knowledge and investment expertise


Exponentially more impact

Why should you give through a community foundation?

  • Trust

    We deliver personalized service built on respect, experience, and trust — and we take the time to get to know you, your goals, and your passions.

  • Knowledge

    Our experts know our communities, their needs, and the nonprofits and partners that are truly making a difference.

  • Flexibility

    We make giving accessible by offering an array of options that can be tailored to fit your goals and budget.

  • Impact

    Together with donors like you, we make an immediate and lasting impact on the communities we serve.

Let's make more possibilities together.