Transforming Communities
News and opinion about community foundations and philanthropy
Community Foundations Continue 2020 Census Leadership As Court Battles Continue
The Supreme Court this week decided that it will allow lower courts to decide whether or not the Trump administration’s request for the government to include a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.
But while the question plays out in the legal arena, community foundations and their nonprofit partners are still hard at work to ensure that not only do historically undercounted communities receive the financial resources necessary for a truly accurate count, but that those dollars are strategically targeted toward community-based nonprofits doing the work closest to those populations.
Community Foundation of Greater Washington Leads Effort to End Homelessness in D.C.
In Washington, D.C., more than 6,000 people sleep without adequate shelter any night of the year.
The Greater Washington Community Foundation wants to change that.
Chicago Community Trust Brings City Together To Draft "Memos to the Mayor" Over Meals
The Chicago Community Trust has long recognized the transformative power that can happen in a community when people come together to break bread.
This month, it’s testing whether that power can extend to influencing citywide policy, too.
How One Florida Community Foundation Is Addressing Florida's Mental Health Care Deficits
The Women’s Giving Alliance, an initiative of the Community Foundation of Northeast Florida, awarded $2 million in grants over five years to organizations the provide mental health support to women and girls.
Cleveland Foundation Commits to $150 in Million Social Impact Investing by 2022
The Cleveland Foundation continues legacy of social impact investing with $150 million commitment by the end of 2022.
Community Foundations Honored for High-Impact Government Partnerships
FIve community foundations were honored by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Council on Foundations for their work bringing together the public and philanthropic sectors to improve life in their communities.
Central Indiana Community Foundation Puts Race and Equity Center Stage
In Central Indiana, a community foundation puts racial inequality at the center of its work.
How Community Foundations Work Toward An Equitable Environmental Future
Community Foundations are leading locally-based climate change and environmental efforts.
How a N.C. Community Foundation Is Marshaling Support to Create Affordable Housing
The Foundation for the Carolinas is taking the lead in addressing Charlotte’s shortage of affordable housing.
The foundation recently announced it has secured more than $30 million in matching funds for the Charlotte Housing Opportunity Investment Fund it started to help support a government-led effort to address the region’s housing shortage.
The funds support a combination of new affordable housing construction, support for existing affordable housing infrastructure, and lowered interest rates, according to the foundation.