Giving to Support Hurricane Florence Relief? Consider These Funds
Donors who want to help support the Hurricane Florence relief and recovery efforts have a number of options.
But as you vet your options for helping those affected by this potentially disastrous storm, it’s important to remember that giving to a community foundation based in the affected area is one of the best ways to ensure that your funds are put to good use.
Community foundations are a wise choice for disaster giving because:
Hurricane Florence — Creative Commons image courtesy of NOAA
they know the communities that are most affected;
have clear processes for vetting and granting your donations; and
are invested not just in the immediate response, but also in the long-term recovery.
Community foundations often play a central and unsung role at times of disaster — helping those who have been affected recover and rebuild for the long term.
They help disaster-response charities provide shelter and food for those who are displaced after events like fires, floods, tornadoes and hurricanes.
They are also there months and years later — coordinating with government and nonprofits to provide mental-health services, rebuild homes and schools, and ensure that our communities are better prepared for the next disaster.
A number of community foundations in the path of the storm have already established funds to help those who are affected in their communities. Options include:
South Carolina
Central Carolina Community Foundation One SC Fund — The One SC Fund was established by former Governor Nikki Haley after the 2015 Thousand Year Flood to help South Carolinians who are recovering from state-declared emergencies. The fund provides grants to nonprofits that are providing relief, recovery, and/or rebuilding assistance to affected individuals and families. 100 percent of monies donated will go directly to help Hurricane Florence relief efforts.
North Carolina
North Carolina Community Foundation Disaster Relief Fund — The North Carolina Community Foundation this week reactivated its Disaster Relief Fund to help North Carolinians affected by Hurricane Florence. All funds raised for the NCCF Disaster Relief Fund will go directly to nonprofit organizations serving the needs of local individuals and communities in the impacted areas of North Carolina.
Foundation for the Carolinas Hurricane Florence Response Fund
Donations to the Hurricane Florence Response Fund will be directed to nonprofits in North and South Carolina providing relief to victims of the storm. Grants will be distributed to areas of greatest need once the full impact of the hurricane is realized.
Community Foundation of Collier County Hurricane Florence Relief Fund
Donations will support the Community Foundation of Collier County’s Hurricane Florence Relief Fund for recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence.
Read More
Rebuilding After Disaster: How three community foundations helped residents pick up the pieces in the aftermath of natural disaster
via Washington Monthly