Closing the Opportunity Gap in Austin, Texas
Austin Community Foundation is working to close the opportunity gap in Central Texas by funding organizations such as Con Mi MADRE. (Photo courtesy of Con Mi MADRE.)
While Austin has experienced tremendous economic growth over the past decade, data shows that not all Central Texans have the same access to opportunity. As the region balances on an inflection point of growth and change, Austin Community Foundation is focused on closing the opportunity gap through research, pooled resources and data-driven grantmaking.
This spring, Austin Community Foundation awarded almost $400,000 to several Austin-area nonprofits through the Women’s Fund and Hispanic Impact Fund – two programs aimed at closing the opportunity gap in Central Texas.
The Hispanic Impact Fund awarded $180,000 to six organizations for programs that focus on early childhood education, health and wellness, and job skills and entrepreneurship. The Women’s Fund awarded $200,000 to four nonprofits for programs that concentrate on housing, child care, education and unintended pregnancy prevention.
Through collective giving of the Women’s Fund and Hispanic Impact Fund, the Foundation is making a greater impact in Austin and changing lives.